When To Tell Someone You’re A Recovering Addict
This week’s Stitch member guest article has been written by Stitch member Mel Higham. Mel is an editor, researcher and writer with a focus on health and well-being. Mel is also a recovered addict. While training for her career she began to experience stress…
Meeting people via Stitch Activities
Last week we rolled out a new feature which we really think you’re going to like. It’s the ability to look at profiles of the people you see at Stitch activities, events and travel experiences, and it’s intended to make it much easier for you…
How Feeling Lonely Can Kill You, And How You Can Beat It
As we age, quite often our social circles change. Major life transitions play a role in our relationships – we move cities and find new friend groups. We break off a marriage and lose the relationships that came with it. We retire and spend less time with our…
Why Jacquie Joined Stitch
This week we would like to highlight an extra special Stitch member (and Stitch Ambassador) Jacquie from Virginia. Jacquie has been on Stitch for nearly 8 months now, and she has certainly been an influential factor in the way Stitch has developed over these last…
Why did you build Stitch?
Things have been so mad-crazy-busy here at Stitch Central over the last couple of months that it seems forever since I’ve had a chance to write a post of my own for the Stitch blog. (It’s been just over 3 months, in fact. I checked.)…
How To Make Friends In Adulthood
The fact of the matter is that as we age our social circles shrink. When we’re in our childhood, it’s easy to make friends – there’s school, extracurricular activities, and sports. But when we reach our thirties, it becomes difficult to form friendships. And it…
‘Tis the season to be thankful
And just like that, the holiday season is upon us. Are we the only ones who feel it snuck up on us quicker than ever this year? Surely it’s too early … we still have so much to do! The good news about this time…
Why Companionship Is Better Than Sex
Max was peeved. “I am so sick of boring profiles on the dating sites. The first thing people want is to hold hands and walk with someone at sunset on the beach. The second thing is to cuddle up on a couch and watch TV.…
Stitch Stories: Patricia From Colorado
The following post is a story written by our fellow Stitch member Patricia K. from Florida. Patricia has recently relocated from Florida to Denver, Colorado and she hopes to meet new friends on Stitch. Patricia has a huge heart and has embraced life’s roller coaster to the fullest. We…
Stitch Member Spotlight: Carol From Florida
The following post is a story written by our fellow Stitch member Carol T. from Florida. Carol is a Stitch Ambassador and a truly wonderful woman with an incredible story. She hopes her story can connect with others and perhaps inspire them in some way. Carol is…
Life Of A Widow
A large percentage of our users on Stitch are widows or widowers. We are constantly touched by their stories and think it is incredible that they are taking steps to seek companionship after such a terrible loss. We think it’s important to know that widowhood can be the most difficult…
5 First Date Mistakes to Avoid, by Ken Solin
About the Author, Ken Solin: Ken recently joined Stitch as an advisor and brand ambassador. His passion is helping Stitch members enjoy their best possible online dating experience. Ken has written about senior dating for The Huffington Post, AARP, Maria Shriver, and About.com, for a…
Make Friends By Growing A Garden
Gardening is a creative activity that opens countless possibilities. From fresh new herbs to the latest seasonal vegetables, there is always a way to liven up your garden. But you may not be so familiar with the idea that gardening with others can generate lasting…
Beware: Top Internet Scams
Every day men and women around the world are tricked by the top Internet scams. Typically, by the time they realize they have been deceived, it’s too late. Thousands, even millions of dollars later, they are left wondering why they didn’t see it coming from…
9 Things You Didn’t Know About Dating for Seniors
9 Things You Didn’t Know About Dating for Seniors With the obsession that today’s media has with youth and appearance, you could be forgiven for thinking that it’s only the young who are looking for companionship, that dating is a young person’s game. Go on,…
“Loneliness, the plight of the 21st century”
Loneliness, social isolation and quality of life for the elderly: they’re all linked. The Guardian this week reported on the upcoming release of the report The Generation Strain by the IPPR think tank about the growing strain on the delivery of social services to the…