Online dating sites for older adults are notoriously poor at actually helping you meet new people after 50, because they’re not based around strong mature connections and senior friendships. Here’s how Stitch solves the problem.
Senior dating sites are a wilderness. There are only so many times you can outline your attributes like a model car, swipe, match, chat, pull through the grind of trying to keep an online conversation going, watch for red flags, decide to hope, pluck up the courage, ask someone to meet, feel the rush of a yes, get ready, feel the giddy anticipation, check their profile again, check the bus timetable, get to the location, find a place to order a drink and wait with baited breath –
Only to find that they don’t match their photo, they don’t ask any questions, they’ve made some enormous assumptions or have questionable taste or entirely lack social skills and you’ve lowered your expectations to the point where you’re impressed by basic human politeness and you’ve wasted yet another 6 or 7 or 900 hours of your life hoping to meet someone who isn’t terrible!
We’ve all been there.
Have you tried Senior Chatters, the 50 Plus Club, Silver Singles, Senior Match, Elite Singles, Ourtime, eHarmony or any of the silver fox dating sites purporting to help you find love after 50?
How many times have you deleted your dating profile? Thrown your phone at the couch and said “Never again”? How many times have you punished your hope for exhausting you? Walking home again with the light of possibility snuffed out. Online dating is an energy sink and we’re all. so. tired.
The truth is a lot of dating sites make their money when you’re scrolling. This gives some sites an incentive to keep you searching, because the minute you find love you leave. The economics of some dating sites mean they’re not necessarily working in your interests. And that’s why you feel lonelier at the end of the evening.
This is how a lot of people feel before they find Stitch. They come to us nervous and mistrustful, because they’ve been burned so many times before. They’re suspicious, they ask probing questions, they wonder if this can be real.
And what they encounter changes their life.

Because it turns out online dating is the worst way to form real connections. Sure we all know the success stories of the rare people for whom it works. But for most people, in most cases, real deep authentic social connections occur over time, in-person, around friends. Isn’t the best way to learn more about someone to become friends first? To see how they interact with others, to get to know them when they’re off-guard, without the forced performance and expectations that dating apps create?
Stitch is a community for people over 50 who want to make the most out of life. It’s entirely based on bringing people together for fun and adventure in the real world. Stitch manually verifies every single user to make sure the entire community is made up of real people over 50 talking to real people over 50. Stitch then uses the website as a tool to get you away from the computer and out dancing salsa, playing boardgames, going to wine tastings, creating book clubs, going swimming, taking walks, together.
Stitch lets you get to know other bolder adults in your community and attend lots of events together where you genuinely enjoy yourself. You meet new people, make friends and get together around common interests. It’s about having fun. And the best time to meet new people is when you’re having fun.
Stitch is not a dating site, but we have an incredible track record of success in introducing future friends, future partners and future spouses. It turns out that the best way to meet real people isn’t scrolling through an app on your phone – it’s getting out into the real world with other people. Stitch holds your hand the whole way.
Join hundreds of thousands of people (and counting!) who are waiting to be your next new friend. And who knows what might happen from there.