The following post is written by Stitch member Trisha from Litchfield Park, Arizona. Trisha is a Stitch Community Champion who is passionate about growing and engaging her Stitch Community in Phoenix’s West Valley.

They say life begins at 50 … and beyond.
For some, this age marks the beginning of a new phase in their career, grandchildren, or planning for retirement.
For others, it may mean such vast lifestyle changes that they move into their senior years away from loved ones and old friends. That means having to forge new friendships and pursuing new activities and interests.

Arizona is the kind of place that people enjoying a ‘midlife adventure’ gravitate towards. Its mild winters and resort-like atmosphere are seductive. The heat of summer is less harsh thanks to air conditioning!
There are myriad places to go here and having friends to go with makes every experience that much more rewarding. In addition to world class restaurants, theatres and art galleries, there is also some of the best hiking in the country.
Since joining Stitch a couple of months ago, I have found it to be a wonderful way to meet new people as well as help others to expand their social network. It’s fun exploring all the events and activities which are happening in the local area as well as those further afield.

The ease with which one can suggest, respond and participate in activities is a bonus. Because everyone who joins Stitch is open to new friendships and having new experiences, it is easy to make friends.
I have loved setting up events at some favorite places, and try to include an array of activities including regular features.
Every second Monday, a group of West Valley Stitchers plays Team Trivia at a local Gastropub called Ground Control – it was founded by an Air Force jet pilot, and roasts and brews its own delicious coffee.

Trivia is the perfect way for people to get to know each other. Working together as a team is a terrific ‘ice breaker’.
While Team Stitch has yet to take first prize, it will one day! Our team has variously consisted of between four and 11 members – we still manage to hold 5th place even among 25 other teams!
Some Stitchers enjoy going out for wine and tapas or dinner or Happy Hour, while others prefer just chatting over coffee.

During the cooler weather outdoor concerts and art festivals are held regularly and are a relaxing way for people to make new friends.
One of my most popular events is held at a Wine and Beer Bar located inside a local supermarket, Fry’s Supermarket — which also features a gourmet cheese department with free tastings!
You can purchase anything you like from the fresh food area to enjoy at the bar, which is what we usually do. It makes for a really cost effective outing in an informal setting!

Some of my upcoming events will feature visits to the theatre and the Musical Instrument Museum, crepe breakfasts, and a huge Taco Food Truck Festival, and of course, more Team Trivia!
The possibilities are endless when you are among friends.
Get in touch with Stitch here if you’d like to share your own story. We’d love to hear from you and possibly feature your story in the next Stitch Member Spotlight article!